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The content of the present web page belongs to all those interested in the spreading of the knowledge.



The objective of this Center is the promotion, development and the spreading of the knowledge, its evolution and use.  






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 Accounting Course

The Virtual University     newani.gif (12646 bytes)

English Lessons          newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Learning                      newani.gif (12646 bytes)

The English Mansion       newani.gif (12646 bytes)

English Grammar on line  newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Electrical Safety     newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Didactic Applications (Spanish Grammar) newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Notes 21 (University Test)   newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Electronic Controls   newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Virtual Universities     newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Histories and General Information

Links related to the Historical development of the Knowledge. Highly recommended: Electrical History , among other Areas (Electricity, Medicine, Computer, Philosophy, the Things, Physics, Products, Events, Music, the Space, Venezuela, Economy, etc). Updated 10 December 2000newani.gif (12646 bytes)

Project Manager


Country Statistics and General Information


NOTE: Those Web Site that are protected by the right of Author, only can be copy or  reproduce with permission of the Author.

Visit Visitas Times. Since 1998 March  

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Your point of encounter with the knowledge.




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